Suspicious Item/Bomb Threat | Emergency Procedures

Campus Emergency Phones/Call Boxes:

  • Emergency phones and call boxes are directly linked to the Campus Police Department.
  • Emergency phones and call boxes are labeled and located throughout campus buildings, parking lots, and pathways.
  • Emergency phones and call boxes are monitored 24 hours a day.

Emergency Phones are labeled on the SF State campus map with an symbol. To view the online map, please see the SF State Map Page.

Report ALL bomb threat calls and suspicious items to University Police at 911 from a campus phone, dialing 415-338-2222 from a cell phone, or going to the nearest Blue Light Emergency Phones located across campus.

Suspicious Items and Bomb Threat Response

If you observe a suspicious package/item:

  • DO NOT TOUCH suspicious items.
  • REPORT ALL THREATS TO UPD AT (415) 338-2222 or by calling 911 from a campus phone
  • Report the location of the suspicious item
  • Clear the area immediately 

If you receive a phone threat, try to keep the caller talking and ask the following information:

  • WHEN is the bomb/threat going to explode or occur?
  • WHERE is the bomb/threat?
  • WHAT does the bomb look like? WHAT kind of bomb it is? WHAT will make it explode?
  • WHY did you place the bomb?

Keep the caller on the phone as long as possible. Note anything that may aid in identifying the caller, such as background sounds, accents, voice register, emotional state etc.

SF State University Police will work with San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) to conduct a thorough bomb search across campus.

Suspicious Item/Bomb Threat Img

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