Our Mission

The Office of Emergency Services has helped establish SF State as a leader in emergency management, through:

1. Equity and Inclusion Initiatives

We are committed to ensuring that emergency management strategies are inclusive and equitable. This involves actively considering the diverse needs and experiences of all members of the university community. By prioritizing equity and inclusion, we work to create a campus environment where every individual feels valued, supported, and safe during emergency situations. 

2. Sustainability and Resilience Initiatives

We support various mitigation projects aimed at reducing the impact of potential disasters and enhancing the university's ability to bounce back from adversity. Additionally, we address climate-related emergencies by promoting sustainable practices and resilience-building measures that contribute to a safer and more resilient campus environment.

3. Student Engagement

We offer ambassadorship opportunities that allow students to actively participate in emergency preparedness efforts and serve as advocates for safety within their peer groups. Moreover, we provide advising and academic programs focused on emergency management, empowering students to develop essential skills and knowledge in this field.

4. Individual Empowerment

We provide comprehensive tools, training, and resources to provide community members with the knowledge and confidence to respond effectively to emergencies. By fostering a culture of preparedness and self-reliance, we aim to enhance overall safety and resilience on campus.

5. Partnerships

We foster partnerships with our neighborhood, city, and county agencies to leverage resources, expertise, and support networks. These partnerships enable us to coordinate response efforts, share best practices, and strengthen community resilience. By aligning with SF State's mission to be a community leader and collaborative state agency, we contribute to a collective effort to enhance safety, support, and resilience both on campus and beyond.