Power Outage | Emergency Procedures

Campus Emergency Phones/Call Boxes:

  • Emergency phones and call boxes are directly linked to the Campus Police Department.
  • Emergency phones and call boxes are labeled and located throughout campus buildings, parking lots, and pathways.
  • Emergency phones and call boxes are monitored 24 hours a day.

Emergency Phones are labeled on the SF State campus map with an symbol. To view the online map, please see the SF State Map Page.

In the event of a power outage, contact Facilities Work Desk at 415-338-1568 to report the extent and type of the outage. 

If someone is trapped in an elevator when power is lost, contact UPD via 911 on a campus phone or 415-338-2222 from your cell phone.

Power Outage Img

Chemical Hazards


  • Without electricity, critical systems (heating, cooling, pumping, pressure, and vacuum) may not function.
  • Assess ongoing lab experiments for potential hazards.


  • Check chemical storage areas for issues, focusing on water-reactive and explosive materials.


  • Ensure fume hoods are operating correctly and no alarms are sounding.
  • If safe, close the sash on any malfunctioning hoods and evacuate the lab.
  • Do not re-enter without approval from campus authorities.


Building Fire and Life Safety Systems

If the entire building loses power, check for emergency lighting:

  • Emergency exit signs, fire/smoke alarm lights, and dim lighting in stairwells or restrooms should be visible.
  • If there is no emergency lighting, it may be unsafe to remain in the building. Evacuate carefully and bring others with you.

If emergency lighting and fire systems are operational, and you have not been instructed to evacuate, you may remain where you are, provided there are no risks from:

  • Chemical hazards
  • Trip hazards
  • Security concerns

When in doubt, get out! Always prioritize safety.

Communications Systems

Contact the IT Help Desk at service@sfsu.edu or (415) 338-1420 for problems with cell phone service or Wi-Fi access on campus.

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