Fire | Emergency Procedures

Campus Emergency Phones/Call Boxes:

  • Emergency phones and call boxes are directly linked to the Campus Police Department.
  • Emergency phones and call boxes are labeled and located throughout campus buildings, parking lots, and pathways.
  • Emergency phones and call boxes are monitored 24 hours a day.

Emergency Phones are labeled on the SF State campus map with an symbol. To view the online map, please see the SF State Map Page.

Fire Safety Protocol

At the First Sign of Fire:

1. Notify Campus Police

  • Call (415) 338-2222 immediately to report the fire.

2. Evacuate the Building or Area

  • Leave the building as quickly and safely as possible.

3. Activate the Fire Alarm

  • Pull the nearest fire alarm as you evacuate the area.
Fire Img

4. Avoid Elevators

  • DO NOT use elevators during a fire. Use the stairs instead.

5. Check Doors for Heat

  • Feel closed doors with the back of your hand. If the door feels hot, do not open it. Find an alternate escape route.

6. If Trapped in the Building

  • Hang an article of clothing, towel, sheet, or other fabric out of a window to signal emergency responders.
  • Stay near the window and close to the floor to avoid smoke inhalation.
  • If safe to do so, close (but do not lock) doors between you and the fire to contain it.
  • Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency personnel.

7. For Small Fires (e.g., Wastebasket Fires)

  • If the fire is small and manageable, locate a fire extinguisher and use it if you can do so safely.

Fire Extinguisher Training

For more information on how to properly use a fire extinguisher and training details, visit the Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) website.

Fire Emergency Image

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