Campus Emergency Phones/Call Boxes:
- Emergency phones and call boxes are directly linked to the Campus Police Department.
- Emergency phones and call boxes are labeled and located throughout campus buildings, parking lots, and pathways.
- Emergency phones and call boxes are monitored 24 hours a day.
Emergency Phones are labeled on the SF State campus map with an E symbol. To view the online map, please see the SF State Map Page.
Note: San Francisco State University uses the term Active Threat instead of Active Shooter since these situations can involve various types of weapons (or other destructive means) or could be an unknown threat.
An Active Threat situation can be an individual (or individuals) who appears to be actively engaged in hurting or attempting to hurt people in a populated area. In most cases, active threats can result in the use of firearms and there is no real pattern or method to their selection of victims. Active Threat situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly and require immediate protective actions from individuals to minimize harm. Law enforcement will arrive on scene as soon as they are able, but lives can be lost in the short minutes before they arrive, which is why it is important that everyone takes immediate action to protect themselves and others. Try to be aware of your environment and know your exit plan wherever you are.

If you think there is an active threat situation on campus, first make sure you are safe (see Run/Hide/Fight below) and then immediately call (415) 338-2222 or dial 911.
Responding to an Active Threat: RUN! HIDE! FIGHT!
How one responds to an active threat will be dictated by the specific circumstances, and you will have to use your best judgment in applying the following best practices:
Evacuate if Possible
- Don’t second-guess the situation. Get out immediately if at all possible.
- Put something between you and the assailant.
- If you cannot safely get away, or the location of the threat is unknown, your safest option may be to
Take Cover and Protect Yourself
- Get into a room that can be locked.
- Lock it and use furniture to block/barricade the door(s) if you can do so quickly. Wedge something between the door and the door frame or floor to prevent the door from opening, if possible. If you must physically hold the door shut, do so low to the ground.
- Take cover behind something that will stop a bullet.
- Turn off lights, pull down shades/blinds, curtains: make the room look unoccupied.
- Keep your phone on silent (vibrate still makes noise) so you to not alert the suspect to your location.
- Dial 911 from a campus phone or 415-338-2222 from a cell phone and report to the police (Quietly!)
- Advise dispatcher of the situation and inform them of your location and if others are with you.
- Remain in place until police, or campus administrator known to you, gives the All Clear.
- Do not respond to any voice commands until you can verify with certainty that they are being issued by a police officer.
- If you cannot hide and are confronted by the threat,
Fight For Your Life As The Last Resort
- Improvise weapons to blind, disorient and bludgeon the intruder.
- Use surprise and sheer numbers to overwhelm the intruder.
To request department trainings on Active Threat, please reach out to University Police at
(TW: contains sounds of gunfire and blood)
(TW: contains on-screen reenactment of close-range gunshots)