Home Emergency Prep Kit:
- Water
- First Aid Kit
- Flashlight
- Non-Perishable Food Can Opener
- Plastic Utensils
- Warm Clothes and Sturdy Shoes
- Blankets
- Battery Operated Radio
- Cash
- Tools
- Matches
- Prescriptions
- Copies of Personal Documents
- Personal Hygiene Items
- Writing and Activity Items
Car Emergency Prep Kit:
- Work Gloves
- Local Paper Maps
- Jumper Cables
- Emergency Phone Number
Emergency Prep Kit for Infants and Toddlers:
- Formula, disposal bottles
- Additional water
- Diapers/wipes
- Baby cereal/food
- Clothes
- Toys
- Infant medication
- Pedialyte, electrolyte replacement solution
Emergency Prep Kit for Animals and Pets:
- Personal Hygiene Items
- Additional water: 1 gallon per pet
- Food
- Food/Water Bowl
- Treats
- Toys
- Vaccination and medical records
- Pet Medication
NOTE: Below is a breakdown of the above items that should be included in your prep kit
Water: 1 GALLON PER PERSON PER DAY, ex: 1-gallon x 1-person x 5 days = 5 gallons
First Aid Kit: antiseptic wipes, antibacterial ointment, gauze pads, bandage adhesive, medical adhesive tape, pain-relief medication, antihistamine (treat allergic reactions), splints, cold-pack, and disposal gloves.
Flashlight & Battery-Operated Radio: extra batteries
Non-Perishable Food: jerky, power bars, nuts, peanut butter, canned tuna, cereal, pasta, dried fruit, etc.
Cash: small bills and coins
Matches: waterproof matches or in a sealed container
Tools: Pliers, hammer, duct tape, screwdriver, whistle, pocketknife. Prescription: information regarding the medication
Copies of Important Documentation: identification, passport, social security, birth certificate
Personal Hygiene & Sanitation Items: soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, baby wipes, toilet paper
Emergency Phone Numbers: police department non-emergency number, local emergency/hospital, insurance information, any medical condition, primary doctor contact, dentist, home information, emergency contacts (family members), trusted neighbors contact